vendredi 2 mai 2014

Trouble in Paradise - One Month After Cooling System Refresh!

Good day gentlemen!

I knew it was too good to be true! My first attempt at overhauling my cooling system went perfect and without a hitch...that is until today!

Backing up a little, it was roughly a month ago when I replaced my WP, ET, Tstat, upper and lower hoses, antifreeze, and AT stat. My progress is documented HERE for those that maybe interested.

Anyway, with everyone's help everything went smoothly and I never really hit any stumbling blocks. I've checked the fluid level twice in the month since the overhaul and have had to top it off with just a few ounces each time to bring the buoy up to the full level. Didn't really think anything of this and just figured the system was leveling off.

Now for the problem. Today I was looking under the hood as part of my weekly ritual and noticed the tell tale signs of a fluid leak. I found whitish residue dappled in various parts of the engine bay. Here are some pictures...

Engine side of the expansion tank...

Fan Blade (white spotting is on all of them)...

Inner side of the lower radiator hose...

Waterpump/WP Pulley junction... to me it looks like antifreeze is being slung around the engine bay. And my most probable suspect of the source is the waterpump...since it's spinning and based on the landing areas of the spots, that's where it seems like its coming from.

Once the engine cools down my plan is to get it up on ramps, remove the fan and under carriage sheild (technical name escapes me at the moment) and have a good look around then go from there.

Even though I torqued the WP down to spec, I'm hoping that the fix will be as simple as re-tightening the bolts. If that's not the problem I suppose the WP itself could be defective...I'm assuming that's unlikely though. The WP is a brand new, Saleri unit from OEMbimmerparts BTW.

So what's the prognosis here? You guys think it's an easy fix or do you think pulling the WP off and replacing it is in order?

I know I'll know more when I get a better look but I really don't want to go through the hassle dealing with OEMBP for a return of the pump, draining the system, bleeding etc.

Your thoughts and opinions are appreciated.



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