I have a set of E46 CSL 18" replica wheels I am selling off of my M3 as I picked up a set of ARC-8s. I don't know the brand, offset or width but I'm swapping them out in a week or two and will see if its marked inside the wheels or at least measure them. Condition is pretty good, no rash on them. I think one has a nick but the rims never have been curbed. I have a few photos that show but please PM me for them. They were taken yesterday and the car hasn't been washed in a few weeks and it has rained a little bit so they have some dirt on them. I'll clean them up and take better pictures and post them once I have the wheels pulled.
I am willing to ship, and would prefer to ship Amtrak through their freight which should be less than $50 to ship but I'm not apposed to shipping through a more expensive carriers such as UPS or FexEx.
I am willing to ship, and would prefer to ship Amtrak through their freight which should be less than $50 to ship but I'm not apposed to shipping through a more expensive carriers such as UPS or FexEx.
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