mardi 28 octobre 2014

Coolant System Bleeding. Doing it wrong??

A few weeks ago I replaced the thermostat in my E46 (amongst other things) and for some reason, I cannot seem to get all of the air out of my system now. Here is my process I go through every few days or so:

I drive my car, get it up to temp (just daily driving)

Let her cool off. Unscrew expansion tank cap, level is perfect.

Unscrew the bleed screw, little air pressure excapes, pressure equalizes.

Look into the bleed hole (where the bleed screw was) and I can see coolant floating around, but it's not at the brim.

I fill up the expansion tank until it comes out the bleed screw hole (only coolant and no bubbles)

Tighten bleed screw down.

*At this point the coolant level is so high in the expansion tank that I use a turkey baster to suck it out. That way the float level is correct*

Cap back on, drive for a few days, then I repeat the process.

Question: why is there continuously an air pocket under the bleeder screw? I know thats what it's there for, but I swear the amount of coolant I pour in each time is the same as the amount I have to suck out to get it level.

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