mardi 28 octobre 2014

Citation showed up in the system after 11 months. Am I screwed?

Hey people, I'll try to keep it short.

1) Received a fixit ticket August of 2013

2) Showed up to court before due date with proof of correction, was told it isn't in the system

3) showed up once more on the date due, again, not in the system, was given a paper stating i showed up.

4) Kept checking up on it online for about 3 months - nothing.

5) I move apartments, forget about the ticket and evidently lose the ticket itself along with proof of appearance. :thanks:

6) 3 weeks ago I check online for another fixit ticket, find old ticket in the system with a past due court appearance, a hold on license, new fine amount $800. F#ck.

7) Remove hold ($10), schedule a date to appear in court (tomorrow + received a "courtesy" call about new court date... THANKS!) but now I have no proof of appearance or proof of correction.

What to do?

in before "prepare your anus" :(

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