mercredi 13 août 2014

Failing xenon?

A bit of advice on my headlight if you don't mind before I go dropping $$ to replace it..

My left xenon headlight appears to be failing -- but I've never had to replace a xenon before (and it's original to my 2000 so I really can not complain, ha) but I'm just not sure of the failure mode. Both headlights come on just fine when I turn my lights on.... for 3-8 mins.. then the left one craps out on me. If I cycle my lights, it will come back on but for a shorter period before going out again. I was blessed with the bad ground in the tail-light assembly (which previously caused both headlights to flicker together) but solved that issue a couple years back.

When anything starts to go awry with my headlights I immediately assume electrical problems out of paranoia -- but is it more likely I just need a new xenon bulb? I was going to swap them tonight to see if it follows the bulb, but before I do, any advice? I assume these aren't like a basic bulb which either works or it won't? I just found it odd that it will always power back up, just won't stay on now.



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