jeudi 28 août 2014

DIY chiptuning remap your bmw e46

diy remap your bmw e46

how to remap your bmw in three simple steps

I offer DIY ( Do it yourself ) remap you car

How does work? in three simple steps:

1.Read your original ECU file with MPPS; Fgtech Galetto; Kess etc

(buy this iterfaces from ebay / aliexpress from 50$ )

2.Send the original file to me with informations about car; year;horsepower; ecu type

3.Your original file will be tuned as your choice PowerTuning ; EcoTuning

After modification, you will write the file on your ECU and the operation is done !

all my remap file is made from your car`s original file.

for any informations please contact me on forum

read the original ecu file

write the tuned file

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