I have a 2004 e46 330 CIC
My convertible top won't go up! I scrolled through a dew posts! HELP ! What is the cheapest and efficient way to get it back up? Is this a sensor that is gone or a loose connection ? Sincerely a newbie ! Don't want to spend an arm as leg on this repair ! The red light on the button to close the roof stays on but the roof doesn't close ... Is there a simple way to manually close this roof ? Thank you dearly for your help
Sent from BimmerApp mobile app
My convertible top won't go up! I scrolled through a dew posts! HELP ! What is the cheapest and efficient way to get it back up? Is this a sensor that is gone or a loose connection ? Sincerely a newbie ! Don't want to spend an arm as leg on this repair ! The red light on the button to close the roof stays on but the roof doesn't close ... Is there a simple way to manually close this roof ? Thank you dearly for your help
Sent from BimmerApp mobile app
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