mardi 6 juin 2017

Oil Problem, please help!

Hi I'm a noob in Cars world, just got my driving licence January this year and bought my dream Car e46! I got the cheapest smallest version of it. 316i 2003 with N42B18 1,8 l (1796 cm3).

And Only you guys can help me!!!

I live in Germany, I bought the car directly from BMW Service Centre (which is highly trusted I thought) the car went though many tests and so many parts were replaced before I bought it.

4 weeks later, the oil lamp was on yellow, first after I turned off the car, I ignored it and in two days it came back on while driving, I drove it back to BMW, they had my car and made me wait 3 weeks, then they told me that the Power steering oil was leaking. although I saw on the dip stick that the motor oil was gone. they added half a liter oil in the motor and wrote me an invoice of 400 Euros (damn) for the couple of hoses they changed at the power steering. anyways! 10 days later, the oil lamp was back on. I took it to them again and they said the Oil pan is leaking they will have to change the pan sealing and then I got another 400 Euro invoice for that :/ I talked my way out of the second invoice as it was their fault with wrong diagnosis from the beginning. when I got the car from them the oil was way over MAX on the dipstick, and I noticed some white smoke from the back of my car, not much but noticeable when the car is idle. then the Sparks were damaged (because of the too much oil) I changed them myself this time and the car felt like new but the oil kept getting lower and lower. I added one bottle of liqui moly oil leak stop, it did help a lot actually but I'm still losing much. so here is what I noticed!
– The car is leaking only when i'm driving it, not overnight.
– It's mostly leaking and not oil Burning, as I can see the oil on the ground and no smoke (when when under 10c degrees in winter) and I also hear the drops with my own ears dripping on the bottom cover of the car directly after I park the car.
– I lose around 1L every 1000KM
– I lose much more oil when I'm going uphill or down hill, for example when parking on the 6th floor in Multi-store Garage or driving down into a tunnel, the oil lamp would come right back on, and I hear the dripping.

Rightnow, I have a 4l Oil bottle in my trunk and I'm adding 100ml every few days. Please help me guys! I installed a new Navigation and leather seats and spent so much money on it in my first week, I don't wanna sell it so quickly.

Oil Problem, please help!

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