mardi 28 juillet 2015

I hate this stupid Volvo.

To swap out the radiator (which randomly decides to split open internally and leak coolant everywhere), you have to remove the front bumper, remove all turbo hardware, remove AC compressor, remove AC lines, unbolt a bunch of other stuff up top, raise the car up at least 3'0", unbolt more stuff from the underneath, then drop the radiator out the bottom. Then you have to put everything back.

The seal on the fuel cap will dry out, crack, and flatten, throwing a check engine light. In order to fix this, you have to either get a new fuel cap or get the separate parts. The OEM fuel cap is at least $25 from eBay and at least $35 from other sources. For the individual parts, it's $5.00 for a new seal and $5.00 on a new tether that holds the fuel cap in place. Also, the fuel door hinge has a tendency to break, causing the door to flop around like a mentally handicapped eel out of water, so that's another $8.00 in parts to fix.

Did I tell you about how important it is to be extra gentle with the headlight adjustment screws? If you're not, they'll get off track inside the headlight housing, causing the headlight to point way off to the right and way up towards the sky. The only way to fix it is to bake the headlights open and hope you don't break anything in the process. As an added bonus, you have to take the front bumper loose to remove the headlights.

I'm setting this Swedish piece of shit on fire and getting an E34 wagon.


I just needed to vent.

I hate this stupid Volvo.

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