Selling my car so figured I'd sell some of the parts I have laying around.
Came with the car. Pulled it when I installed Dynavin. Comes with all the wiring.
$230 shipped/pped OBO
- Shim kit for valve adjustment. Most are there, only used a few when I did mine. Will come with the extracting tool. $300 shipped/pped OBO
- H&R Sport Springs. Clean, low mileage. $200 shipped/pped obo
- SMG gas pedal. Thought the sensor on it was going bad, but ended up being the one under the intake. $80 shipped/pped OBO
- (not pictured since its in storage, wrapped up, but it looks like your regular m3 diff)E46 M3 OEM Differential w/ 180k miles on it. Worked fine. Will need new seals or can be used as core for gears. Replaced with a lower mileage one while was doing subframe reinforcement etc. Im guessing it weighs about 100lbs so $300OBO +SHIPPING or you are welcome to pick it up.
Came with the car. Pulled it when I installed Dynavin. Comes with all the wiring.
$230 shipped/pped OBO
- Shim kit for valve adjustment. Most are there, only used a few when I did mine. Will come with the extracting tool. $300 shipped/pped OBO
- H&R Sport Springs. Clean, low mileage. $200 shipped/pped obo
- SMG gas pedal. Thought the sensor on it was going bad, but ended up being the one under the intake. $80 shipped/pped OBO
- (not pictured since its in storage, wrapped up, but it looks like your regular m3 diff)E46 M3 OEM Differential w/ 180k miles on it. Worked fine. Will need new seals or can be used as core for gears. Replaced with a lower mileage one while was doing subframe reinforcement etc. Im guessing it weighs about 100lbs so $300OBO +SHIPPING or you are welcome to pick it up.
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