dimanche 1 mars 2015


I have had this dreaded code for awhile now.

I unplug my MAF and car runs on all 6 with plenty of power but still rough idle.

I have changed my DISA and performed a smoke test. I found 1 broken vacuum line from the secondary air pump.

I have checked the ccv oil line to dipstick, still looks brand new and is flexible.

I have replaced my lower intake boot.

Swapped coils/plugs... does not change cylinder.

I found that my power booster hose where it connects above intake came apart, I need to get this new connection, but I epoxied it together and used silicone to seal it... no leak (tested with starting fluid while car is running).

my stft b1 was 16.4

my stft b2 .8

both downstream 99.2

that is just one snapshot, they all seem to swing okay.

I am at a loss. All my ccv hoses appear to be newer... I have sprayed the car with starting fluid on all the connections and not heard the slightest change.

If I clear the code, I can rev the car with low to no load and not trip the code (in park or on snow/ice) as soon as there is a load the code trips.

The only exception to this if I floor the car on the highway as it clears and I stay in the high rpm range, more often than not, it wont come on til I back off the throttle.

This all started flooring the car a few months back, and as I have time to play with it, I do. Weird is that it was almost like I ran over something (though I didn't) my inner fender in front of drivers tire came loose just so the front hung down enough to allow the external temp sensor fell and dragged on the ground at the EXACT time this happened.

All my hoses are still flexible and all appear new. Like I said, new DISA, Secondary air pump a few months back, all new plugs, 3 new coils, I have tried different octanes and not a hint of difference.

I am at a loss at this point without ripping intake off and just replacing every hose, seal, o ring, and ccv.

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