lundi 26 janvier 2015

The Myth of the Good Guy With a Gun

This will get the gun fetishists and NRA apologists riled up -- facts and data and all -- but nonetheless:


The NRA is wrong: Owning a gun is far more likely to harm you than protect you.

A study from October 2013 analyzed data from 27 developed nations to examine the impact of firearm prevalence on the mortality rate. It found an extremely strong direct relationship between the number of firearms and firearm deaths. The paper concludes: “The current study debunks the widely quoted hypothesis that guns make a nation safer.” This finding is bolstered by several previous studies that have revealed a significant link between gun ownership and firearm-related deaths. This international comparison is especially harrowing for women and children, who die from gun violence in America at far higher rates than in other countries.


Whatever you might think of the Constitutionality of guns -- very debatable, empirically they are a pretty bad thing overall for our society.

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